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The Saramonic LavMicro U3 series is a clip-on microphone that captures pristine sound quality and connects directly to most Android devices through the USB Type-C port. It delivers rich, detailed sound for interviews, vlogs, presentations and much more. Whether you’re shooting video or recording audio with the app of your choice.
It is comprised of two parts, a 90 degree USB Type-C male to female adapter and a lavalier microphone with a USB Type-C male connector. The angled design of adapter is perfect for connecting a microphone to a smartphone when mounted on a gimbal. It can also be used in anytight space between the recording device and microphone, avoiding the over-bending of straight cables which can damage the cable and affect the life of the microphone.
The LavMicro U3 is compatible with most recording devices with a USB Type-C connector, like the iPad Pro, Huawei MagicBook, Samsung Galaxy A6S and more.
Key Features:
- Record excellent-sounding audio directly into the USB Type-C port of most android devices
- Easy plug-and-play operation with all audio and video recording apps
- Omnidirectional pickup pattern delivers smooth and natural sound
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